All patients requiring medically necessary and OHIP insured examinations are covered with the use of their OHIP cards. Patients with OHIP coverage cannot pay for medically necessary examinations.

Some examinations are not paid for by OHIP. The following are routine charges for OHIP covered patients requiring a non-OHIP covered examination:

1. Chest X-rays: Pre-employment, workplace required, SCUBA, Immigration Exams (even with OHIP cards), costs range from $55 to $110, depending on number of views, complexity of paperwork, etc

2. Sinus X-rays: OHIP delisted sinus x-rays. If your doctor orders sinuses, there is a $80 charge to patients

3. Professional Fees on Chiropractic Exams: OHIP only pays for technical fees on Chiropractic examinations. All Chiropractic examinations are charged a $20 fee per examination

4. Missed Appointments: All missed appointments are charged a $40 fee